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What Is Your Talent Mindset? Pinstripe Talent Can Help You Focus
Originally posted: April 2, 2012 on TrishMcFarlane.com
I recently had the opportunity to speak with leaders from Pinstripe Talent about something they are passionate about…. a talent mindset.
As a Human Resource leader, one of the key roles I occupy is that of helping shape and set the way the organization approaches talent. It’s our company talent mindset. The same goes for me personally as well as all the other leaders in the organization. Since “talent” is not a commodity, recruiting and retaining talented, skilled employees is everyone’s job. In order to be successful, you have to have a talent mindset so that you understand what motivates people to stay and what makes them feel valued.
Pinstripe is sharing their ideas about talent and having a talent mindset. I was fortunate to hear a presentation by Angela Hills, Executive Vice President from Pinstripe at Talent Net Live. Angela then sat down to answer some of my questions about a talent mindset and I’ll be sharing those here with you in a two-part series.
What is one thing an individual can do to help a fellow leader identify his/her talent mindset?
Well, one thing? Ask the question. Tell people what your Talent Mindset is and ask others to share theirs. Ask your CEO or leadership how they approach talent. Ask them what they are most proud of when it comes to attracting and retaining top talent. Ask them what motivates them and why they stay? Ask them what their top talent priorities are. Their answers will clue you in to which Talent
Mindset drives them, but it will also get Talent on their radar by talking about it. You’ll get them thinking and you might even influence them to focus on it more, just by getting them to talk about it!
What are a few of the benefits of knowing your talent mindset and potentially the talent mindset of your team or colleagues?
More than anything, I think it helps you to focus on what you do best. Knowing your core approach to talent can help you realize why you’re so good at certain things and what others value most about it. It affirms the way you typically approach things. It can also highlight areas you may want to focus on (i.e. maybe you review the summary of another Talent Mindset and really wish you were more like that….), but more than anything, it will help you do more of what you do best.
Knowing the Talent Mindset of your entire team can be very useful. Staffing a project with a variety of Talent Mindsets ensures that you’re looking at an issue from multiple angles. It can also spur conversation and as noted above, I’m a firm believer that the more we talk about something, the more it is on our minds, and then the more it shapes our behavior. Talking more about talent should lead to colleagues focusing more on talent and that is good for business!
*Stay tuned for more discussion about Talent Mindset. Thank you to Angela Hills, Pinstripe Talent and Talent Net Live for starting the discussion. In the meantime, do you have discussions with your leaders or team about their approach to talent? Share with me in the comments.

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