Who's that Girl?

In Doubt? Just Coach
Originally posted: January 21, 2015 on TrishMcFarlane.com
*Sharing from the dusty archives…
Tired of spending 80% of your time on 20 % of your staff? Tired of walking around the office or shop floor on eggshells due to the actions of one or two employees? Do you want to demonstrate to the powers-that-be that you are a competent leader, capable of taking on more responsibility? Well, do I have the thing for you!
It slices, it dices, it can cut a tomato paper thin….
Oh, sorry.
Wrong approach. This is NOT an infomercial . But if it was, I WOULD have a simple idea for you. JUST COACH.
I know, it’s not the newest, greatest thing since sliced bread, but it is proven to lead to your success, your employee’s success, and the success of your team. But, coaching is not easy, you say. I know, but most things in life that are worthwhile do not come easy. Time and again we do what feels easy in the moment and do not give someone some feedback. We see an employee or colleague behave in a way that we know is blatently counter-intuitive to what is in their best interest or the best interest of the organization. Well, as leaders, colleagues, and employees ourselves, IT IS OUR JOB TO STEP UP AND COACH THAT PERSON. Think you can’t? Do this:
- Look fear in the eye- Don’t shy away.
- Start the conversation- Take the lead.
- Walk the talk- Demonstrate that you are willing to give fair and honest feedback DAILY.
Don’t wait for someone else to come along and do clean up for you (like HR). By then, the problem usually has grown so huge that it involves performance improvement plans, action steps, and maybe termination.
You do not have to scream it from the rooftops. Sometimes the best coaching comes in the form of a whisper. It’s that gentle, subtle approach that gets the point across.
So, do it today! Go out and give feedback. Do it to everyone you encounter, not just people who work for you. Tell someone at a store or restaurant if they do a good job. Tell them if they could have done something better. Tell your colleagues, tell your staff. JUST COACH.
Practice will make perfect.

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