Who's that Girl?

Jobsite UK- Business Culture Supporting Community Culture
Originally posted: March 9, 2010 on TrishMcFarlane.com
How often do you come across a global company that truly works to ensure that their culture supports the culture in the community? Any company names come to mind? Well, I had the privilege to meet executives from a company that does.
Jobsite UK (Worldwide) Ltd. is one of the largest online recruiting sites in the UK. There are some unique qualities that Jobsite has that are clearly making them stand out against their competition. One thing that makes them unique is their section called Be My Interviewer. In this section of their site, job seekers can choose to practice interview questions with leaders from many top UK companies. The interviews are pre-recorded sessions where the business leader asks key questions they would typically ask during an interview. They also record each leader’s recommendations of the type of answer they would expect or be looking for from a candidate. It’s an innovative concept that will certainly help job seekers prepare and helps Jobsite position itself as a thought leader in creative outreach for candidates.
What I find most inspiring is the way Jobsite supports their community. They are the proud sponsor of the Portsmouth Football Club. Portsmouth, UK, site of the Jobsite headquarters, relies on the football club as a source of jobs and income for the city. And, while the club is having some financial difficulty at this time, it has not halted the enthusiasm Jobsite has to support them. They understand just how much it means to the city and to their employees to have this team. They also do many other community service events to show their support and dedication to Portsmouth, aka “Pompey”. Click here to see some of the things they are involved in.
As the platinum sponsor of TRULondon 2, Jobsite helped provide a unique un-conference experience for many people who had never experienced such an exchange of ideas. The fact that they were progressive enough to embrace something relatively new speaks volumes about the kind of company they are. They not only were the premier sponsor, they were presenters and participants. And I don’t mean the kind of companies who come to a conference to tell you how great they are. They were active participants in the leadership conversations and the recruiting strategy conversations. They were a seamless part of the experience.
Following the event, several key execs hosted some of the TRU London attendees at a football game. For the US readers, this means I had the opportunity to attend the most exciting “soccer” event I have ever been to. Dare I say the most exciting sporting event I have ever been to. It was just amazing. With Jobsite as the sponsor of the Portsmouth, UK football club, we were given the full VIP treatment. We learned the chants and the songs, we stood, we cheered, we even had the fortune of being able to walk out on the pitch (field) during halftime for some amazing pictures.
Why do I tell you this? Because once again, Keith Potts and Felix Wetzel were not there to try to put on the hard sell about Jobsite. It was clear to see they are passionate about Jobsite, about their home-town football club, and about the community of Portsmouth. After all, it’s where they are based. They, and their employees fully support this team.
So, next time you are looking to do business with someone, look beyond the slick flyers and booths.
- Who ARE they?
- What do they really stand for?
- Do they support their community, and does their community support them?
If not, point them in the direction of Jobsite and tell them to take a lesson.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I’m not a paid endorser of Jobsite. But, I think I could have a shot as their next model. What do you think?

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