Who's that Girl?

Who Cares That You’re Sick?
Originally posted: November 22, 2011 on TrishMcFarlane.com
Warning, whiny post ahead-
Well, maybe not a whiny post, but not one that will blow you away if you’re looking for leadership advice of ideas of how to be an innovator. No, today I’m battling a head cold that I think is actually a sinus infection. Don’t feel sorry for me though because I’m fairly certain that I got it on an airplane and made it worse by standing outside last Sunday in a cold rain as I watched my son’s football team win the Superbowl in his age division. Go Little Panthers!
Feeling bad and getting up early to write do not mix for me, so yesterday I posted on FaceBook that I was too sick to write my blog post. Many people responded sending me “feel better” wishes. It certainly made me feel better to know that my friends cared. The last comment came from my friend Debbie Brown. She suggested I look at the list of people who responded and cared and write about whether or not I was friends with or knew any of these people five years ago. Great idea!
As I looked over the list of my caregivers and well-wishers, I was shocked to see that I did not know ANY of these people five years ago. Two people I met through my kids’ athletic teams and the other nine were all people I met on Twitter that I later met in person. UNBELIEVABLE! And’ while I’ve known most of them just shy of five years, I was completely caught off guard that social media has impacted my life in such a positive way. These people are real friends, not just some followers on Twitter.
So, a special thank you to John Jorgerson, Joan Ginsberg, Jay Kuhns, Franny Oxford, Jenny Payne, Mervyn Dinnen, Mike VanDervort, Gail Dluhy, Judy Mack and Debbie Brown for being my friends. Thank you for caring about me and for sharing it on FaceBook.
It’s better than chicken-noodle-soup!

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