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The Power Of Social Media: An Employee Engagement Project
Originally posted: March 31, 2010 on TrishMcFarlane.com
I’m working on an exciting project at work and I’m hoping you will want to help me. If you’re reading this post, there is a high probability that you found my blog via social media. If that’s the case, then I don’t have to explain that social media can be a powerful tool to help us in our day-to-day jobs. The challenge seems to be articulating HOW it can be helpful in business. I’m convinced that my post today may just help us all prove a point.
I work for a very forward thinking organization. My boss and I met today to talk about employee engagement and how in many organizations, it is centered around the annual employee survey. While the survey is certainly an important tool to show measurable results, it is only one small part of the engagement that employees feel throughout the year. That said, I’m trying to think of ways to highlight engagement all year long.
I want to show:
- Engagement means different things to different employees
- If an employee is engaged, you should be able to see evidence of it every day
- Engagement is an ongoing cycle, not an annual survey
Here’s where I’m hoping you can help. As I wrapped up my meeting, I told my boss I would begin research on organizations that view engagement as an ongoing, daily activity. I also said I would reach out to the online community to find out what you all think about engagement. My goal is to get as many comments from you that talk about
1) what engagement means to you
2) what can be done to promote engagement every day
3) what are ways you see organizations promoting engagement (ie. poster campaigns, videos, etc)
I’m convinced that collectively we can come up with some great ideas that I can share with my organization and YOU can share with yours. Let’s work together to show that social media connections are powerful collaboration opportunities.
Thanks in advance for your help.

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