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NCAA Championship: Top 10 Work Productivity Drains
Originally posted: March 18, 2010 on TrishMcFarlane.com
Whether you are a basketball fan or not, this time of year means one thing: NCAA Tournament watching and betting in the workplace. It is certainly fun to get involved in all the hoop-la (pun intended). The only problem is that it is a drain on workplace productivity that many managers complain about.
With that in mind, Steve Boese and I decided to post the “Top 10” list of things at work that are MORE productivity draining than the tournament. For numbers 10 through 6, jump over to Steve’s blog today. I’m tackling numbers 5 through 1. Here goes:
#5 Meetings, meetings, and more meetings… And, meetings to plan other meetings.
#4 “Hold on, let me write you some talking points. No, wait. Here are some talking points for the talking points.”
#3 Entering data in duplicate systems that do not “talk”.
#2 Look! Look! I just won $1,000 playing poker online.
And the number one productivity drain is….
What time wasters do you see in your workplace that take up more time and productivity than a few days focusing on the NCAA tournament? Let us know in the comments.

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