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It’s Never Too Late To Revamp Your Packaging
Originally posted: July 20, 2013 on TrishMcFarlane.com
When is the last time you’ve thought about packaging and how you package yourself? Not only your look, but how you message things?
It seems like there have been some good articles and posts later that touch on packaging. I think it’s important to examine how you do this on a regular basis because we can all use a little improvement here and there. Why? Because so much of life is based on the perceptions of others.
Want a new job? Want to sell your product? Want to have someone take you seriously and get on board with your idea? It all takes the right packaging. If you or your message have “stale” packaging, you may not get that job, that sale, or get your idea moving. Need an example? Here’s one:
Picture someone in your organization who is not taken very seriously. I can think of several in my career. One that pops to mind is a very smart woman who dressed like she was still in 1980. While that was a fun decade, wearing shoulder pads, tight, short pants, and BIG 80’s hair now is noticeable. She even still rocked the 80’s blue eyeshadow. Now, I am sure she has some great ideas. However, people in the workplace cannot seem to get past her look. They do not take her seriously. Why? Because her look is so outdated, they make the incorrect perception that her ideas must be outdated too.
Here’s another example. Have you ever worked with someone that came across more like a used car salesman when trying to sell his message or idea? No matter how good their idea is, most people cannot get past the way the person is pushing their message. If you’re that “salesman”, then consider changing up your pitch.
My point is that even if you have fresh ideas, are you doing things to sabotage your messaging because the packaging is getting in the way? If so, then NOW is the time to address it.
Regardless of what type of work you do, it does not necessarily take a lot of money to make a few simple changes to improve your chances of being taken seriously. So, do you need re-packaging? Does your message? For some great tips on repackaging your message, check out HR Buoy’s recent post ‘How Packaging Can Change Your Message’.
Think it’s too late to update your look to better “sell” your ideas? Well, after 40 years, Heinz ketchup is changing their packaging. If it’s not too late for ketchup, it’s not too late for you! If you haven’t updated your wardrobe, go out this weekend and buy a few simple, classic pieces of clothes (black dressy slacks, crisp white button-down shirt, new black dress shoes, a few key accessories). Add in a piece or two of color. Stick to some that will mix and match. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, but may help you change how you’re being perceived at work, in an interview setting, or when selling your product. Worn your hair the same way for 10 years? Time for a change.
What are some other ways we can revamp our packaging? Share with us in the comments.

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