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HR Executive Forum: Real Value for Your Career Development
Originally posted: January 19, 2011 on TrishMcFarlane.com
It’s January and that means that most of us are trying to decide if there are conferences or events that will benefit our career development in 2011. As a practitioner, speaker, and blogger, I’ve been to more than my share of events. Some were good, some were mediocre, and some were less than what I’d hoped. What I have learned over the years is that it’s important to discriminate when deciding what to attend. This year is going to be one where I make some hard choices about where I invest my time and effort with regard to conferences. What that means for anyone who reads my blog is that if you hear me talk about a specific event, you’ll know a couple things:
- That I believe in the event
- That I personally think the content is top rate
- That there will be networking opportunities beyond the typical meeting 4- 5 people
- That there is real, substantive value worth the cost
I’ll be updating my events page soon with my 2011 line up. In the meantime, I want to highlight one event I believe in that has registration open now.
The HR Executive Forum
This event is one that brings HR executives and leaders together to share ideas on a wide array of topics. As one of the premier events that HR Executive Magazine promotes each year, it is a top notch learning event. My experience attending in the past provided that perfect blend of traditional HR conference with opportunities to speak and network with some of the top HR executives from the largest global-companies. The event is being held in New York City on March 14- 16, 2011.
You’ll have opportunities to hear panels speak about:
- Driving innovation and growth through HR’s role
- Building a leadership pipeline
- Managing the employer brand
- Achieving a real ROI for wellness
- Leveraging HR Technologies to thrive in a new reality
You’ll also get to hear from and meet some great people from the online HR community such as Libby Sartain, Steve Boese, and Jennifer Benz. I’ll be there too and will live blog some of the exciting roundtable discussions. And, I’ll be bringing my boss, so you know it’s an event I personally believe in.
If you want to join me, use code RING11 when registering for the Forum and you’ll receive $130 off the early bird rate. Both the early bird rate and the promo code will expire 2/25. Click HERE to register. Hope to see you there!

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